Celebrate, network and learn with others involved in Lawn and Landscape maintenance at the Northeast Ohio Lawn Care Seminar on June 18 at the OSU/OARDC,The Arden Shisler Center in Wooster. Registration is open and space is filling quickly. OLCA member registration is only $40 for the first person and $30 for every individual thereafter from the same company.
Sessions include:
• An overview of the problems facing bees – OSU research & what can be done to improve the situation (presenter Dr. Reed Johnson, Department of Entomology, OSU)
• Accurate spray applications of pesticides and turf product update (Presenter Jerry Husemann, BASF)
• Ornamental weed management/control and major weed issues (Presenter Randy Zondag, Lake County OSU Extension)
• Tree and shrub insects update & management (Presenter Dr. Dave Shetlar and personnel, Department of Entomology, OSU)
• Assessment of accurate granular lawn applications (Presenter Corey Pangborn, and Neil Shreve, Scotts LawnService)
• Lawn weed control – Identify, manage and product update (Presenter Dr. David Gardener, Department of Horticulture & Crop Science, OSU)
• Supplier & equipment showcase